DSS Seminar 07: Data Wrangling in R

The four seminar sessions for the Spring 2019 seminar will cover ways to use R for data cleaning and wrangling. We’ll cover techniques for dealing with messy variable names, removing variables and adding new ones, subsetting observations, and summarizing grouped data using the R packages dplyr and janitor. We’ll discuss:

  1. Lesson 1 - January 23rd - Working with Existing Variables
  2. Lesson 2 - February 6th - Creating New Variables
  3. Lesson 3 - February 20th - Managing Observations
  4. Lesson 4 - March 6th - Grouping and Summarizing Data

No prior experience with R is necessary - in fact, these seminars are tailored to learners with no or little experience in R! If you are brand new to R, we strongly encourage you to look through our seminar materials that Introduce R and RStudio and cover RNotebooks, our tool for teaching.

Where: 3600 Morrissey Hall

When: Select Wednesdays (see above) from 1pm to 2pm

RSVP via Google Forms